
Monday, 31 July 2017

ways to show her you really love her

Misunderstandings are bound to arise in relationships but it doesn’t mean you love your partner lesser than you used to, but necessary to always remind that special one in your life that you love them no matter what happens.
For men who have special women in their lives, sometimes she may feel like she isn’t loved and is being taken for granted, it is necessary to pay her some attention so she knows that you really appreciate her every day.
Inspired by Lifehack, here are 10 ways to show her you love her

1. Show her you are listening

Especially when she’s trying to have a conversation with you

2. Compliment her

Be specific so she knows how serious you are

3. Be respectful to her

Talk to her with respect, don’t make her feel like she isn’t important.

4. When she asks for your help, don’t accept grudgingly

Even if you can’t do it, let her know why and maybe proffer a better solution to her problems

5. Put an effort into looking good

Scruffiness isn’t attractive, bath, shave and smell good just for her.

6. Admit when you are wrong

Honesty and openness will really be appreciated by her. She sees your flaws and loves you despite them.

7. Be supportive

When she set on doing what matters to her, root for her, it means a lot in your relationship.

8. Be considerate

Make decisions with her in mind. Ask her opinion, even if you don’t take it.

9. Plan a trip together

Go away together to a place you can spend time.

10. Forgive her

Learn to forgive and forgive her wrong doings. Try not to hold grudges towards her, it’ll ruin your relationship.

10 Signs That You Are Not The Only Woman In His Life

We’d all like to be the only woman in the man of our dream’s life. We’d all like to enjoy our relationship without the niggling worry that we might not actually be the only woman. A lot of the time it sounds ridiculous to even entertain the idea that our man might be juggling us with someone else. Unfortunately, sometimes he is; sometimes we fall into the trap set by a player who has juggled women and relationships before. If you’re worried that you aren’t the only girl who has stolen your man’s heart, let’s take a look at the top 10 signs that you are not the only girl in his life.
He Doesn’t Like Committing To Plans In Advance
Each time you suggest doing something or going somewhere, he gives you a maybeanswer.
“Hey! Do you fancy going to the cinema next Friday?”
“Hey! Do you fancy going to the ball game next Monday?”
“Hey! Do you want to come shopping with me on Saturday? I’ll make it fun!”
If you press him, it’s likely that he doesn’t even have an excuse why he can’t commit to a date. He’s just “not sure” and “can’t remember” when he’s busy and when he isn’t. It basically means that he’s keeping his options open.
He’s A Mystery Wrapped In An Enigma
Sure, the brooding, mysterious types are attractive at first. But once you get to know a guy and start dating him, the mystery should fall away as he opens up to you and tells you his name, his age and where he lives. Et cetera.
If your man is still a mystery to you even after several dates, you should take this as a warning sign. You should by now have found certain things about him; certain things he was only too happy to reveal. If he’s keeping his cards close to his chest, be careful.
He Has LOTS Of Female Friends
Of course, your man is allowed to have friends of the opposite sex and you certainly shouldn’t tell him to abandon them now that you’re in his life. It isn’t right for anyone to suddenly abandon their friends just because they’ve entered a relationship.
But if he has TONNES of female friends who are constantly draped around his arms in Facebook photographs, you should probably be a little bit concerned. The more women he knows, the more likely it is that you aren’t the only one close to him.
You’re His Friend To Everyone Else
To you, you’re his girlfriend and he’s your boyfriend. Privately, he possibly acknowledges this and agrees with it.
But when he’s referring to you to other people, he says that you’re just a friend.
This is a huge telltale sign that a man is playing with your heart and stringing you along. If he can’t bring himself to admit to the world that you’re an item, it usually means that it’s because he’s got a few other women in his life who are “just friends.”
There Is A Lack Of Public Intimacy
If you’re the only woman in his life, he would surely have no problems kissing and touching you in public. In fact, he’d probably initiate it all.
But if he’s got you and someone else in his love life, the chances are that he isn’t too keen on getting it on in full view of everyone. If he bristles at public affection and never initiates even a peck on the cheek, you’re right to be concerned that he’s trying to make sure he doesn’t get caught out.
He Does Weird Things
When somebody is having an affair, they can become agitated and do weird things. This might include refusing to answer their cell phone or keeping it switched off whenever they’re around you. It might mean refusing to let you use their laptop or go through their phone. And when you ask him how his day went, he might shrug and just say “it was okay” without going into any details. None of this is normal behaviour and should be seen as a red flag.
He Comes To See You …
… But rarely lets you go to see him.
The fact that his place seems to always be out of bounds could be down to the fact that it’s being decorated, as he says; or it could be down to the fact that he has a woman living there who he naturally doesn’t want you to see!
If he still hasn’t given you his home address, he clearly doesn’t want you in his neighbourhood where you could be seen … or where you might see someone who upsets you.
You Still Haven’t Met His Mom
Normally, guys love introducing their girlfriends to their mothers. And naturally, a mother is always desperate to meet the latest girl their son is dating.
If you’ve been seeing your man for a few weeks and he still hasn’t suggested that you meet his mom (and dad), it’s time to make the suggestion yourself. If he stalls and says it’s too soon, you should definitely start to worry.
He Flirts With His Friends
Some guys are naturally flirtatious. But when a man is in a relationship, it’s his duty to flirt with you and you only.
If you catch him flirting with his female friends often, you should be a little bit cautious. It could be a sign that he flirts with anyone who he is attracted to, and it could mean that it isn’t just you he’s gone a little bit further with.
His Friend Is Not Gender-Specific
If he mentions that he’s going to see “a friend” today but doesn’t specify who it is – or that it’s a male – you should be a little bit suspicious. Guys who have nothing to hide will come out and tell you which friend they are seeing. But if a guy is trying to hide another girl from you, he won’t tell you that he’s going to see her; and he won’t even tell you that the person he’s going to meet is ashe.

Learn: The Best Way To Start A Conversation With A Girl (Must Read)

What is the number one problem men face when they want to approach a woman they find attractive? It is of course, “what the hell do you say to her.”
What you say on first approach will make or break your pickup. What you say must be a perfect balance of charm, flirtiness, intelligence, humor, and must open the door for further conversation while making the woman comfortable in talking to you.
Wow! No wonder most men have problems picking up women. So what is the best way to start a conversation with a girl?
A pickup line is definitely not the best way. Pickup lines don’t work. Every half wit knows that. Not only do they not work, they are a bright neon sign stamped on your forehead advertising your lack of creativity, intelligence, and screams BORING to women. Ask any woman if they prefer a good looking boring guy or an average looking fun guy and you will be surprised at the answer.
Women look for VALUE in men. Not looks, or power, or chest/bicep measurements. For the purposes of approaching women, VALUE is anything that catches the girl’s interest. And what catches a woman’s interest is something that is unique, interesting, and something out of the ordinary.
Her life is already filled with boring men and mundane situations and if somebody like you comes along and provides value to her otherwise dull existence, you have value in her eyes. Once she sees you have value, you are pretty much in and you are free to unleash your charm.
The best way to initiate a conversation with a girl is with what the pickup artists call opinion openers.
An opinion opener is when you ask a girl her opinion or advise on some problem. You are essentially asking the girl’s help.
On a psychological bynote, feeling useful and needed is one of the essentials of human life. Not only do humans like to be asked for their help and advise on something, they crave it and need it because it fills one of the essential needs of life.
This is one of the secret psychological tricks pickup artists use to seduce beautiful women.
One of the best and most effective opinion openers is the “I’m doing research” opener. A couple examples are:
Hey, I have a website called and I’m writing an article called, “What beautiful women find attractive in men.” What’s your take on this subject?
Yo, can you help me out real quick? I’m doing my senior thesis on the attraction factors between men and women. What do you look for in men?
Hi, I’m writing an article about what turns off women. Can you help me out?
Besides the “I’m doing research” opener, there are many different opinion openers you can use and you can and should make up your own as the situation dictates. Every woman and situation is different so you should use your common sense and creativity to invent different ways to ask for help for different circumstances..
Opinion openers is a very powerful method that uses several psychological tricks to get women to open up and talk to you without it being an outright pickup. But of course, you can have the best opening line in the world but it means nothing without the right delivery.
Remember, communication is 55% visual, 38% vocal, and only 7% actual words. So if your delivery sucks, whatever you say really doesn’t matter. However, if you combine proper delivery and confidence with the above “I’m doing research” opener, pretty girls will take numbers and wait in line to have the privilege of talking to you.

See Why Many Beautiful Ladies Can’t Get Married Or Stay In Marriage

So, i got this interesting article somewhere..
Do you know that majority of women who find it difficult to get married and those who get married but after a short time they are sent away by their husband are ladies who think of themselves as beautiful?
They feel too big and even pretend to be what they are not. It’s complicated! Read this exposé…
Have you heard women complain about that there are no serious men to marry these days? According to these women, who are often in their late 20s and 30s, men just want to date – not to settle down.
But these ladies fail to understand is that real men are very particular when it comes to choosing someone for a serious relationship that could possibly lead to marriage.
So, i got this interesting article somewhere..
Do you know that majority of women who find it difficult to get married and those who get married but after a short time they are sent away by their husband are ladies who think of themselves as beautiful?
They feel too big and even pretend to be what they are not. It’s complicated! Read this exposé…
Have you heard women complain about that there are no serious men to marry these days? According to these women, who are often in their late 20s and 30s, men just want to date – not to settle down.
But these ladies fail to understand is that real men are very particular when it comes to choosing someone for a serious relationship that could possibly lead to marriage.
2) Anti-family
Any responsible man holds his family with highest regard. He will go out of his way to create time for his parents and take very good care of them at all cost. Before considering a lady for a serious relationship, a man will first try to ascertain her view towards family.
If she disrespects her parents, lives oblivious of her siblings and talk down on people then she is considered anti-family. In the guy’s mind the lady will make a poor wife..just play with her and move on.
There is also a crop of ladies who are so close to their fathers/mothers yet raise ruckus whenever the guy wants to spend some quality time with his family, especially his mother. Trying to compete with a guy’s mother for his attention is a crazy idea.

Bad BEHAVIOURS Ladies Shuold Avoid in relationship

This state of mind has really pursued numerous delicate and genuine suitors away after the initially meeting in light of the fact that no one needs to be in a sentimental undertaking where they would be viewed as a fool!!! The following are things’ percentage most women do that can make gentlemen flee from them; you can make a gentleman’s feeling go cold when you do the following:
1) Bringing a friend along on a first date: I truly ask why a few women do this! Is it not simply immature and hard to bring a friend along when the fellow didn’t request for that? Who will pay the friend’s bill?
On the off chance that I needed a party, I would have let you know so; in addition, it is a date…for two individuals to share a litlle bit of protection and know one another better!!! At the end of the day, the woman shouldn’t consider it to be a birthday gathering where everybody is welcomed! cool. Do this and you have debilitated his feelings for you!!!
2) Telling a fellow that you are ‘hungry’: Especially, when you all are as yet becoming acquainted with one another, telling a gentleman on telephone or visit that you are hungry is simply one more method for demonstrating to him that you are a ‘hungry
girl’!!! That grievance ought to be better taken care of by your dad and not the gentleman. That is to say, it is excessively a shabby demonstration! Stop it! He may wind up fleeing from you with the speed of light!
No one needs a superfluous weight! Is it true that you are an indomie young lady?
3) Bombarding him with your family issues: I bet you don’t have any idea with some individual issues a gentleman may be attempting to settle on his side. Including your own issues, whether genuine or fake,
too soon in the undertaking can make the young fellow to flee from you. Try not to bug him about your mom’s disintegrating business or your sister’s school expense! He’s simply becoming more acquainted with you, remeber! wink
4) Answering telephone calls more than a call centre representative in his presence: Some women answer calls as though they are one of call centre agents!!! They disrupt useful discussion with answering telephone calls and they would talk for quite a while.
The poor fella would start to feel lonely and
abandoned like a rejected vagrant!!! When you do this, you are in a roundabout way sending a sign over that he doesn’t worth your full focus. Stop it! He may create intentionally and without hesitation and flee!!! cool. Depending on the telephone discussions, it may additionally make you seem like a ‘runs young lady’, i.e harlot.
5) Trying to demonstrate to him how costly you appear to be: Guys, I bet you have never seen anything. The kind of junk fellows take from women in some cases is preferable envisioned over to be experienced. Take a few women out and hear them griping about practically everything…’This spot is excessively small’…’The chicken is excessively shabby; Sizzlers chicken tastes better and expenses more’…’In truth, this spot is excessively local’!!! Gush!!! For my own cash? Girl,Stop the nonsense!!

ways to make men instantly attracted to you after a first date

Sometimes you wonder why a set of women get all good and adorable guys while the other set are almost forever single.
It may be good to know that these ladies aren’t exactly the prettiest in the room, all they have going for them is that charm.
So how do you become irresistible to those guys, enough to make one your boyfriend?
Inspired by Your Tango, here are a few ways to become more attractive:
1. Learn to flatter the men sincerely
2. Don’t be stiff when greeting guys
3. Don’t talk about other guys when on a date with one.
4. Learn to smile every time.
5. Let some things be imagines, too much information isn’t required
6. Try not to take your date for granted. Showing appreciation would work this time.
7. If you are attracted to him, little touch on his arm or leaning against him will be a soft reminder he can never ignore.
8. No sex till he declares interest and both of your are officially a couple.
9. Stop being serious. Let your date see your playful side.
10. Discuss only positive topics, depressing talk should be thrown out the door.

Hi, Am Looking For a Nice Guy to date This Year …Am Tired of Being Single

Hello Admin. Please hook me up with a nice guy from your Site. My Name is Rita from Ajah Lagos. I stay with my parents though they spend most of their time on business trips abroad. I’m the only child 21yrs Old. Always lonely, looking for guy. PLease leave ur details at the comment section. And share this post so that admin can forward your number to me. I will add you guys on whatsapp. Thanks alot

So True!!! 10 Things Ladies Do When They Visit A Guy They Don’t Want To Sleep With

There is a reaction to every action; most ladies are naturally cautious and it would be a lie to think most of them do not think or assume men would want to sleep with them the very first time they visit them.
As a result of this, women also devise methods that would protect them as much as possible so the guys would not sleep with them on the first date. Having s*x may be inevitable in that relationship at the long run, but women are able to prolong the abstinence for as long as possible when they do take certain steps. Find below some of the things ladies do when they do not want a guy to sleep with them anytime they go visit them:

10. Keeping the door opened

Ladies sometimes are on the defensive side and ask men to open the door to their rooms so everyone could see what is happening in the room. To an extent, ladies feel comfortable this way as they know it is near impossible for the guys to attempt being funny or try to have s*x with them with the door wide opened.

9. Wearing tight clothes

Another thing ladies do when they go visit men in their houses is to wear tight clothes that have restrictions. It would be pretty difficult getting them out of the cloth and it would give them enough time to allow sanity creep back in peradventure they got carried away

8. Red flag shows up #

Ladies know that men do not like hearing the fact that the red flag is on. Most men would be irritated seeing the blood bank of the girls when they want to sleep with them. It is a natural turn off for men so ladies use it as a weapon and say they are on. Some even go on to wear pads just to prove it is real.

7. They would have a friend with them

Ladies do not like visiting men for the first time alone. They would rather go with one or two friends that would help them break the tension that could be around the place. Having one or two other girls in the room apart from the main girl visiting would spoil the show for the men. Ladies can be sure nothing would happen then.

6. They avoid sitting on the bed

Many ladies avoid sitting on the bed when they visit men as they feel they are falling into a trap. The bed makes them more cautious and to avoid being tempted or lured into doing something they do not want to do at that moment, they would rather sit on the chair.

5. They receive calls at intervals

When ladies feel like they have stayed long enough in a place, they start to receive calls that would make the guys feel they need to be on their way. Some even become apologetic on the phone to make the guy feel they have to go somewhere immediately. In some cases, girls put their friends up to this and make them call them at intervals just to prevent the guy from launching his s*x idea on them.

4. They focus on something

Another thing ladies do when visiting guys in their houses is to concentrate on doing a particular thing. Some place all their attention on books while some watch movies and do not give the guys the time to want to get personal with them.

3. List of house chores

Ladies avoid having s-x with men they visit by coming up with the excuse of leaving for their own house. Usually, the guy would try to persuade them and they would come up with the annoying list of things they need to do at home before their parents or guardians get back.

2. Stories that touch the heart

Sometimes, ladies cook up all sorts of stories that would make men pity them; they talk about how they have suffered one or two forms of abuse in their previous relationships.  They act traumatized and this would naturally throw the men off balance. It would after all be inappropriate for the guys to want to try anything funny after they have heard their heart touching tales.

1. They act edgy

Sometimes, ladies deliberately put up an edgy front when they visit men in their houses. They act uncomfortable and would be cold towards the guy till they leave. Men sense their defense and aloofness and would rather leave them alone till they adjust.

Two Masquerades go viral after Exchanging Blows In Lagos (Video)

A video of Two masquerades fighting for unknown reasons surface online today.
Music icon, Daddy Showkey, shared a video on his page.
See footages and the video below

I Asked My Husband's Friend for a Massage When I Injured My Leg...and This Happened - Woman Opens Up

A woman has told of how she asked her husband's friend for a massage only for something they never bargained for to occur.  
A woman has told of how she ended up having s*x with husband's friend.
In a note she sent to a relationship at The Sun UK, she explained that it all happened after she asked for a massage from the man.
Below is how she told the story:
I asked a close friend of my husband to massage my sore muscles and it led to amazing s*x. It was the last thing I intended.

I am 31 and married to a good man, but he has been a bit distant lately and there has been almost no s*x.

He is 31 as well and we have been married for seven years. 
This friend of my husband did some training as a masseur, although he moved on to become a personal trainer. He is 29 and has no partner at the moment, so we invite him round for a meal sometimes.

On this particular evening my husband had a call from work about an emergency and knew he would have to go out later.

But we didn’t like to put this friend off so we decided he should come anyway.

We ate our meal together then my husband went off to his meeting about an hour’s drive away.

The friend and I were chatting and I told him I had a problem with my leg. The physiotherapist had prescribed me some special exercises but despite doing these, my leg was still hurting.

He suggested massaging it for me, so we opened out the sofa bed and I lay down with my legs bare.

It felt really good and I was the most relaxed I have felt for ages.

He said my whole body seemed tense and gradually moved his hands upwards. I think I actually let out a moan of contentment and this might have encouraged him.

The massage became more and more intense and he said it would feel better without my clothes on. So I took them off.

The result was that we had the most incredible s*x — like I’ve not had in years.

I had no intention of cheating but strangely I don’t feel guilty at all. I just don’t know where I go from here.

The woman got a response from the relationship expert after her note was read.
Read below:
Where you go from here depends on the state of your marriage.

If you love the husband you say is a good man, you would be wise to tell this guy what happened was out of order and will not happen again.

Then make sure you stick to your resolve by avoiding being alone with him any time your husband invites him round. Meanwhile, put some effort into your marriage.

Not having good s ex can easily become a habit. Talk to your husband.

Tell him you miss the physical closeness you two used to have and suggest trying the ideas in my e-leaflet Saving Your S ex Life.

Give your relationship a general overhaul too.

Are you spending enough enjoyable time together? Are you sharing the day-to-day running of your home and your lives generally, or has it all become so separate that you rarely do anything as a couple?

If so, you know what to do.

“Am I Cursed? Every time I Meet My Cousin We Always End Up Having S ex

A girl is in need of urgent help to stop a very bad habit. According to Yoanswers, the girl has been sleeping with her cousin for a long time now and can’t seem to stop.

Somebody please help me. I am really close with my big cousin and we have always had a connection. I am 15 and he is 17 and we have quite a big family so there is quite a lot of family get-togethers.
Since I was 15 he has been looking me up and down and feeling my bum when we hug and sliding his hand up my leg and I kinda liked it. He even did under the dinner table and I got really horny and some of my family suspected something and I often got quite awkward. So I decided it had to stop, so after dinner one night I took him up to my room so we could talk in private and I was about to ask him to stop doing it when he got the wrong idea why I’d taken him to my room so he started kissing me and rubbing my area and he slipped his hand down my trousers and started poking me.
I couldn’t bring myself to ask him to stop so after that he took his trousers down and asked for me to give him oral s*x, so I did and he put me on the bed and got on top of me and took my skirt up and my underwear down and had s*x with me.
It started to become a frequent thing every time we got together, but after a while our family started to suspect something and kept us apart, put us at separate ends of the table etc. but we always managed to get together again and have s*x. Now, it happened at birthdays and at weddings.
I knew it was wrong and I want it to stop but when I’m there I just can’t bring myself to ask him not to.
So, it keeps happening and I feel like I have no control over it. I have gone on the pill since this started because I always know its going to happen. But, I need it to stop. How do I stop it because I can’t? Please, help me.

Unbelievable: Father-of-5 Burns His 13-year-old Son With Iron, Ties Him to Window for 3 Days (Photos)

A father has gotten himself into really serious trouble after he was found out to have subjected his own son to brutal torture.  
Austin Segun, A father of five, who tied his 13-year-old son to a burglar-proof for three days because a Church leader said the boy was a wizard, has been given an ultimatum to leave Eruemukohwarien community, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State.
According to Vanguard, Mr. Segun was said to have been released on bail after he was arrested and detained at the Ughelli ‘A’ Division Police Station over the incident.
The victim, Tobi Segun, who just finished his Primary 6 School Leaving Certificate exams, was rescued by a group of vigilante, who heard him whimpering at about 2a.m.
One of the vigilante members, who rescued the victim, told Vanguard that during their routine night patrol, they heard the faint cry of the boy saying he wants to die and that he can no longer bear the torture. 
The vigilante member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: “Immediately, we alerted the community Youth Chairman and others. When we gained access into the house, we saw the boy alone, tied to the window protector while his hands were tied behind him.

“Though the parents were not at home, the landlord called the father on phone while the community Youth Chairman alerted the DPO of the Ughelli ‘A’ Division, who personally came and arrested the suspect.”
Confirming the incident to Vanguard, the victim’s step-mother, Mrs. Edijala Favour Segun, said: “They told us that he is a wizard at a Church we went to for prayers and he also admitted that he is a wizard.

“At a point, my husband had to use a hot iron to burn his palm and feet owing to his misbehaviour. Despite this, he opened the fridge in the house and ate everything.

“This led to my husband tying his hands and legs to the protector. He had just been tied for three days before we were arrested.

“On that day, our landlord called us on the phone that we should come back to the house. On getting home, we were faced with a crowd that started hitting my husband and me.

“After some minutes, the Police came and arrested my husband, while I was asked to take Tobi to the Ughelli Central Hospital for treatment.

“My husband was able to secure his release, but the IPO in charge of the case ordered that we should move out of the community. This was documented and we all agreed to it including leaders of the community.”
Recounting his ordeal to Vanguard, Tobi said: “I always run from the house because I am not comfortable. My mother is dead and the woman here is my step-mother 

“Why you should be a Yahoo Boy” (Must Read)

2:56 a.m this morning, I woke up to go use the loo for the 8th time because I had been reacting to the enjoyment (Cassava flakes and 3 tins of milk) I had yesterday.
My phone on hand, nature was doing her job whilst I stared vacantly into my Facebook news feed, suddenly!!! I stumbled upon the story of the arrest of yahoo boys on who scam and defraud unsuspecting persons via voodoo (sacrifice humans) they had been arrested for their perilous fleeting devilish activities for money making.
I never use to pay attention to their stories, Reading that? My poo melted, my heart squatted, I felt like some iodine had been inserted into my thyroid glands.
What??? These are kids age ranking from 18-25. Who confessed to killing their girlfriends, making them useless in life and ended several innocent people to enhance their progression. All in the name of ‘getting rich quick syndrome’ and perhaps to be evidence of the swoon song “30 billion in the account” They’ve mortgaged their future, destiny and soul for money that could be their own in life. Yes!! theirs. 
Roughly 5 years ago an herbalist who had converted to a believer told me_ first hand, how voodoo works; he said “you only make all the money you will earn in your entire life in only a short amount of time. If you are supposed to make 100 million in 80 years of your life, you will make that same amount of money within 5 years, then death or something bad follows”.
‘A Thief can only steal from himself’, when a person steals he is simply stealing from his future. Some people are suffering from the outcome of their Great Grand Father’s actions “When the devil gives you a cap, he will take the cap back with your head”. Dad briefly whispered us back home about the story of a late Nigerian Billionaire airliner (I don’t want to drop his name), he was once upon a time one of the richest men in the Country, he died a mysterious death, before death—his body rottened whilst he was still alive, he committed so much atrocities, when he died even the grounds rejected him.
All the things and billions he ever own vanished same way it came. Alas and Alack the truth became apparent to everyone, but then? it was too late.
The truth is, these acts has given us discredit and a bad name in the international community, having left the borders of Nigeria, I realized that other nationals second guess our honesty, they act with extra cautious when dealing with us. Most online shopping websites have blacklisted Nigeria. Our corporate image has been soiled probably beyond repair. No one wants to deal with a Nigerian, this is so pathetic.
Most of these kids when caught gave the credits of their misfortune to their supportive parents on the wrong side of the track. This makes me sometimes feel ‘no home training is better than bad home training’.
Youths—Ask questions before you delve into certain things in life, you will definitely get answers. Let’s not be so cheap that we don’t look before we leap. Sooner or later we will all be tempted tested.
Before then, get MIND. I challenge you to have a brave MIND. the kind of bravery I’m talking about is not of evil but the common mind to resist temptations, ‘there is dignity in labor’. Thence I challenge you to live honestly within your own means, and not dishonestly upon the means of others.
I want to encourage us to have the right courage. Be brave enough to struggle like real men, courageously embrace disappointments, let your soul posses it self under every vicissitudes, be strong enough to convert your pitfalls into sky rise, your stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Ensure your father and mother are proud of what you do, make the greatest country in Africa ‘Nigeria’ proud again, make your self proud, and above all? Make God Almighty in heaven look at you and say: “That’s my child”.
Any young man who dares to display himself in this right silent effort and endeavor, and dares to endure all the sufferings all for truth and duty is more truly heroic than the achievements of a Thief in king clothings. When we have the orientations of a brave MIND or ‘The True Billionaires Mind’ like I tagged it; the world in no time will surely step aside to let US pass.
Undoubtedly, Nigerians are hard working anywhere we find ourselves. We are creative, but then, some our youths are creative on the negative side, I want to encourage us to turn that negativity into positivity, desist and turn your energies on something enviable. This is my observation as someone who thinks with an open mind.
May God bless as you a Become a modified Y. A. H. O. O . Boy/Girl.
Y. Youths
A. Allowing
H. Hardwork
O. Omitting
O. Obreption
Felix Ade-Frank
Author /Life Coach.

50-year old Woman Brutally Murdered And Beheaded In A Farm (Graphic Photos)

A 50 year-old woman has been killed by unknown people at Seketia in the Jaman North District of the Brong Ahafo Region Thursday afternoon.

The deceased, identified as Ama Kyeremaa, was said to be returning from her farm Thursday when she was killed.

According to Adom News, the Jaman North District Police Commander, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), Mr Vitus Napen, who confirmed the incident said the police were informed about the murder case at about 2.30 pm Thursday.

He said the woman was found about 500 metres away from her farm with her head completely chopped off and taken away when the police visited the crime scene.

Beside the body which was lying in a pool of blood, DSP Vitus Napen explained that a basket containing fresh plantain suckers and her cutlass was also lying beside her.

Photo credit: Adom News

Davido Reveals Name of her Second daughter hours before her Birth (Must See)

MW boss, singer David Adeleke, widely known by his self acclaimed stage name, Davido is currently in the United States in anticipation as his second baby mama, Amanda is expected to put to bed to his second daughter few hours from now.
The over excited “If” singer has however revealed the name of his yet to arrive baby girl.
Davido Reveals Name of her Second daughter hours before her Birth (Must See)
He has named her Hailey, the singer made this revelation on his snapchat. In his words… “Hailey soon come in baby shower on Sunday, if you in ATL hit me for details! Gonna be so much fun!
Last year Davido welcomed his first daughter, Imade with Sophia Momodu, amidst controversy.

Davido’s Ex-Girlfriend Poses N*de For Calvin Klein Advert (See Photo), Sira Kante,  a budding model in the United States who stopped dating Davido in 2015 sometime around the birth of his daughter Imade Adeleke was pictured posing n*de for a Photo shoot.see photo below;

Meet Ghanaian Witch doctor Who Helps 1700 African Prophets to Perform Miracle, See list (See Photos)

The major reason why Africa ranks higher in the number of prophets could be closely linked to one fetish priest Nana Kwaku Bonsam of Ghana who claims to have offered 1700 pastors and men of God powers to perform miracles
With the advent of a number of pastors, seeking to enhance their names by any means, Bonsam’s claims are not far-fetched. Some emerging pastors with relatively young ministries have bought expensive properties and command a huge following in Africa.
The much-dreaded fetish Nana Kwaku Bonsam speaks with authority, he speaks openly and publicly dares any of his critics to challenge him in a battle of supernatural powers. The Ghanaian resides at his his shrine at Sa-Peiman, a village on the outskirts of Nsawam in the eastern region of Ghana.
His god is called Kofi-Kofi, and is the one who provides him with supernatural powers that are desperately needed by different pastors from all walks of life.
A Ghanaian newspaper interviewed Nana Kwaku Bonsam witnesed hundreds of top-of-the-range cars parked at his shrine, among them were prominent business people and celebrated church founders.
Consultation costs US$5 000 which excludes the cost of the rituals. Part of the rituals incorporates hanging a cat alive, slaughtering several fowls, a white dove, pigeons and goats and then spills the blood on his god.
“I’m a fetish priest; a powerful one of course, and I use my powers to heal the sick, help people who want to travel abroad, help traders get better sales, protect people from fraudsters. I dis empower witches and wizards or help people who have one problem or the other.
“I am well-known for the wonders I perform in this country so I receive people from all parts of the country and even people from other countries,” he said in an interview with Ghana’s Daily Guide.
The king of ‘juju’ is no stranger to miracle money.
“I produced money, a gold watch, handkerchief and other things there and that was so wonderful before the chief of Techiman. At the palace, I was able to plant cocoa seeds and they germinated on that same day.”
The sangoma claims he has prominent pastors approaching him seeking powers to start prominent churches and perform miracles.
“Yes it is true. I give powers to perform miracles to a lot of pastors. Currently I have over 1 700 and something pastors; I might need to look into my register for the figure. When they come to me I give golden rings to some of them after taking them through a ritual bath,” he added, “I give them the ring and a Bible and the power I want them to get is what I put in the ring.”
The sangoma offers many powers.
“I give some the power to heal, others to see into the future and or the past, or do anything I want them to do.
It helps their churches get more members who always want to see signs and wonders,” he revealed.
But he is against hypocrites.
Asked if he would expose the false pastors who acquired powers from him to perform miracles, the sangoma said: “I am only against those false pastors who have come to me for powers and yet are not keeping their mouths shut but rather making provocative statements against me.
“I am also against those who have gone for powers from other shrines yet preach against us and do not abide by our rules. Some of them are using the church for fashion parade.
Listen to how they preach in their churches and how they mention the names of their church members who have Aids. Why are they riding in a lot of cars when their church members are hungry?”
Several Ghanaian pastors and bishops have previously challenged Nana Kwaku Bonsam, but they all couldn’t take the risk.
Prophet Nicholas Osei alias Kumchacha challenged the renowned fetish priest for a spiritual battle after arranging to meet at Tema-based Adom FM’s premises in Ghana.
However, a mammoth crowd that besieged the premises to witness the grand “spiritual showdown” got disappointed after Prophet Kumchacha made second thoughts at the last minute and failed to turn up.
Some Africans believe in mixing religions in when seeking solutions to their problems.

Place To Buy Best Body Creams Is Jiji Nigeria

Best body creams

Every woman dreams about a perfect body skin. And perfect skin means well-treated skin. So when it comes to body cream it`s all about nourishing and moisturizing. In this post we will offer you the best body creams that already have many devoted fans among ladies. Keep reading!


SOS cream for the body from Nivea is a sort of a classics. A product contains panthenol and is suitable for very dry skin – it instantly eliminates dryness and flaking. In addition, the cream was developed by dermatologists specifically for dry and dehydrated skin.


Body butter with gr*pefruit fragrance practically melts on your skin, while moisturizing, softening and supporting its natural balance throughout the day.


La Roche-Posay Iso-Urea Lait is what the doctor prescribed! Every second dermatologist recommends the products of this brand. The main bestseller is a body lotion with moisturizing and regenerating effect, which is achieved through complex content ISO-UREA based on urea. The revolutionary formula gently enhances the superficial layers of the epidermis and eliminates the heterogeneity of the skin. The cream dries instantly and does not leave greasy traces. It suits even the most dry skin (on hands, elbows, legs) with excessive flaking.


Body Baume Corps Oil Therapy Dry Skin cream from Biotherm is designed for dry and very dry skin. This pinkish-orange product with gentle texture and delicious apricot scent is instantly absorbed, while smoothing and softening the skin. In addition, it eliminates irritation and flaking. Literally after the first use your skin feels unbelievable comfort. Now you have soft beautiful skin you’ve always dreamt of!


Luxurious Vanilla Cream-Lotion Ligne St Barth is famous not only for the fact that it nourishes the skin with organic ingredients of the highest quality (all products of the brand are produced exclusively on the eponymous island in the Caribbean) but also a phenomenal ability to moisturize even the driest skin. Deep sensual fragrance of a rare sort of vanilla that gives your skin a fantastic aroma will make your man crazy about you.

Don`t know where to buy all that indulging stuff? Buy body creams on Jiji! Jiji is one of the largest marketplaces in Nigeria! You can find here a great variety of products in all kinds of categories! You can choose here new or used stuff so you can save lots of money!

LAUGH OUT YOUR SORROW: British Parliament vs Nigerian National Assembly.(DOWNLOAD VIDEO

Hilarious comparison.
Download and enjoy!!

See How To Remaove Dark Spots From Your Face And Hands Over-night

We all want clean and glowing face. Nobody likes acne, pimples, redness, winkles, or strains. There are a thousand of cosmetic products on the market promising their quickly removal, but there is always a natural alternative too. Today we will talking about stains and will present you a natural remedy that will help you to get rid of those unwanted spots in a record time
Stains are discoloration of the skin and may occur for various reasons, such as: hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, aging, post inflammatory or due to acne. Effect of hormonal imbalance on the skin color is most visible due to pregnancy, when a “face mask” or Melasma may occur – dark spots and marks on the nose and chicks area.
Although, sun may be essential for life, but is an enemy for our skin – UV light damages our skin, and besides wrinkles or even cancer, it is responsible in most of the cases for dark spots appearance on face and hands.

Wow! Checkout the Nutritional and Health Benefits of Onions

Onions are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes chives, garlic, scallions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for not only their characteristic, pungent flavours but also for their medicinal properties.
Onions can vary in size, shape, color and flavour. The most common types are red, yellow and white onion. Flavours can vary from sweet and juicy with a mild flavour to sharp, spicy, and pungent, often depending on the season in which they are grown and consumed. The possible health benefits of consuming onions include lowering the risk of several types of cancer, improving mood and maintaining the health of skin and hair.
Nutritional breakdown of onions
Consuming onions could lower the risk of several types of cancer, improve mood and maintain the health of skin and hair.
Onions are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One cup of chopped onion contains approximately 64 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, three grams of fibre , seven grams of sugar, two grams of protein and 10 per cent or more of the daily value for vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and manganese. Onions also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, folate, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and the antioxidants quercetin and sulfur.
Possible health benefits of consuming onions
Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like mangoes decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.
Cancer: Allium vegetables have been studied extensively in relation to cancer, especially stomach and colorectal cancers. Their beneficial and preventative effects are likely due in part to their rich organosulfur compounds. Although the exact mechanism by which these compounds inhibit cancer is unknown, possible hypothesis include the inhibition of tumor growth and mutagenesis and prevention of free radical formation.
Onions are also a source of the strong antioxidant vitamin C that helps to combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.
Colon cancer: High fiber intakes from all fruits and vegetables are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer.
Prostate cancer: In a study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers used a population-based, case-controlled study to investigate the relationship between allium vegetable intake and prostate cancer. They found that men with the highest intake of allium vegetables had the lowest risk for prostate cancer.
Esophageal and stomach cancer: Frequent intake of allium vegetables has been inversely related with the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. Several survey-based human studies have demonstrated the potential protective effects of consuming alliums, as well as reports of tumor inhibition following administration of allium compounds in experimental animals.

BREAKING: No Signs To Show That Buhari Would Return Back To Nigeria Soon – Aisha Buhari

There were mixed feelings in the Presidential Villa, on Saturday night, as the wife of the President, Aisha Buhari, arrived Nigeria without her supposed sick husband, President Muhammadu Buhari.
Aisha who arrived the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, was received by the wife of the Senate President, Toyin Saraki, wives of the Governors of Kebbi and Kogi States, wives of the Service Chiefs, as well as the former Deputy Governor of Plateau State, Pauline Tallen.
Aisha who had traveled to Saudi Arabia, where she had performed the lesser hajj, thanked all Nigerians for supporting her husband’s administration.
“I want to use this opportunity to thank all Nigerians for the goodwill and support for my husband, and Nigeria in general”, she said.
Upon Aisha’s arrival, a close source to the wife of the President, said any one giving information about the return of the President, was talking out of ignorance.
Recall, that some section of the media had reported that the President may return on Saturday or Sunday, after having been attended to by the Doctors, in the British capital.
However, the source insisted: “No one is aware of any arrangement of the President’s return. I’m sure we’ll be adequately briefed, if he is ready to come back.
“By now, you would have seen some protocol arrangements at the Villa, and at least at the airport. The President’s return to Nigeria will not be a secret.
“I can’t understand why Nigerians are worried, when they have been adequately informed that there is no need to panic. Mr President is in good shape and only needs to complete the circle of tests, as recommended by Doctors.
“Once that is done and the results are out, he will come back to resume work. The most important thing is that there is no vacuum, as the President has transmitted power to his Vice, Yemi Osinbajo, who is acting on his behalf”, the source stressed.

Video: CNN mocks Nigeria over President Buhari’s prolonged absence from Office

Nigeria was over the weekend mocked by the Cable News Network (CNN) over President Muhammadu Buhari’s prolonged absence from the country.
Nigeria’s President Buhari has been out of the country for nearly 3 months now and it has caused alot of uproar..
Now, a video from the weekend broadcast of a CNN foreign affairs show, “The Global Public Square (GPS)”, anchored by Fareed Zakaria however, took Nigerians by surprise..
A question on the Quiz and Trivia segment of the show read;
“The head of state from which country has not set foot in his homeland in over two months?”
The options were given as Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Nigeria and Syria.
Watch video below;

6 Nigerian Celebrities Living A Crazy Life – #6 Is The Worst Of Them All (With Pictures)

We understand the fact that celebrities do some sort of crazy things when they are in desperate need of attention from the public, but the question is, must you take it to the extreme even you must do so? These Nigerian celebrities listed below act like they’ve gone nuts these days and we think we’ve had enough of their crazy acts. Here is a list of 6 Nigerian celebrities we don’t try to understand.

Slay Queen: See What Happened To This Young Lady Who Drank Too Much On Her Birthday (Photos)

She didn\’t anticipate her day which started nicely would end like this. While slaying on her birthday, this lady passed out after she was filmed drinking a bottle of hot drink during a car ride to mark her special day. In a trending video footage which has gone viral online, the lady was seen sleeping hard on the ground after getting very drunk as her friends who filmed her – laughed at her and made fun of the situation.

Nawa!! Does She Still Have Mother? See The Kind Of Pictures This Young Pretty Girl Posted On Social Media That Has Got People Talking

Young Naija Girl Posts Pic Of Her Kissing Her Bf On Facebook by Pogba(m): 11:38pm On Oct 17
The Nigerian Facebook community has been buzzing over the last few hours as a teenager attempts to break the internet by posting a picture of her kissing her boyfriend on Facebook.
Reasons for the debate are because many are of the opinion that the girl in question is too young to have a boyfriend, not to even go as far as posting intimate pictures on social media.
While morality is the subject in this discussion, some others seem to stand behind her and encourage/applaud her courage.
What is your take on this issue? Brave or lacking home training? See more photo below
Nawa!! Does She Still Have Mother? See The Kind Of Pictures This Young Pretty Girl Posted On Social Media That Has Got People Talking%
Nawa!! Does She Still Have Mother? See The Kind Of Pictures This Young Pretty Girl Posted On Social Media That Has Got People Talking%

She Ate This Fruit For Days And This Magic Happen To Her Body [MUST READ]

Did you know its proper English name is African Star Apple? It is also called White Star Apple.
Local Name: Agbalumo (Yoruba language) or Udara (Igbo language)
Botanical Name: Chrysophyllum albidum
The Chrysophyllum genus of plants consists of almost 80 different species of fruits all exclusively grown within the tropical region. African star apple (Udara) is a very popular fruit here in Nigeria. Its fleshy pulp is often eaten as a snack and it is equally common in both the urban and rural areas, particularly around Southern Nigeria. Being a seasonal fruit (produces during the dry season between December and April), it is currently in peak abundance flooding the market places and street walkways at about this time of the year. Now, allow me introduce you to some really good news about the nutritious load of Udara/Agbalumo goodness!
Health Benefits of Udara/Agbalumo (African Star Apple)
1. As with most fruits, it has low calorie because of its little fat content so it is definitely a healthy food.
2. It is a superb snack because its high fibre content provides food bulk which both increases satiety and aids digestion so it is very ideal for weight watchers
3. It has a surprisingly decent amount of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). Clearly, Vitamin C sources are not exclusive to the citrus fruits family- in fact, Guava has much more!
4. Recently published researches done here in Nigeria about Udara/Agbalumo leaves carried out on rats showed two possible medicinal uses:
5. It could serve as a natural source of Anti-Oxidant booster to remove free radicals from oxidative stress disorders, and
6. Its leaf extract contains Hypoglycemic (to treat Diabetes) and Anti-Platelet activities, although it also had toxic effects on some organs.
1-cup serving of fresh star apple contains 67 calories. Eating star apple as a snack is a good choice as the calories are low and it provides no fat; however, this may not be enough calories to ease hunger pains and boost energy levels, as between-meal snack are meant to do. The Diet Channel notes that 100 to 200 calories per snack is best; consider eating an oz. of cheese or a tsp. of peanut butter to boost the number of calories into this range. One serving of star apple also has 15 g of carbohydrates, or 11.5 percent of the 130 g suggested for daily consumption by the Institute of Medicine.
Nutrient Content per 100g edible Udara/Agbalumo pulp
Nutrient Quantity
Energy (Kcal) 91.09
Carbohydrate (g) 10.49
Protein (g) 6.99
Fat (g) 2.49
Moisture (g) 73
Vitamin C (mg) 25

Stay away from boli, suya, they can cause cancer – SOGHIN

Nigerians have been urged to go for periodic screening, especially for colon cancer, which is said to be a huge burden on the country, as it is common among people above 40.
The President, Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Nigeria President, Prof Musa Borodo, gave this warning at a press briefing commemorating the 10th Scientific Conference and Annual General Meeting of the association in Ado Ekiti.
Borodo warned that diseases such as colorectal cancer, liver cancer, helicobacter pyloris and other infections that occur in the gastrointestinal tract, are usually not easy to detect when looking out for signs and symptoms.
And when the symptoms are obvious they are often too late to treat. According to him, about 10 percent of people in Nigeria are suffering from Hepatitis B – a viral infection – which he warned could lead to cancer, if not properly treated.
“This (Hepatitis B) is something that can be prevented, if you don’t treat it, it could become cancer. So, it is a huge problem.” Borodo said it was chosen to create awareness on early detection of cancer, prevention and cure.
Borodo lamented that two cases of cancer at end stage are reported daily in the treatment centre. He advised people to take natural foods, avoid refined sugar, eat well, exercise regularly, drink clean water, visit hospitals for routine check up and stay away from smoking to avoid cancer.
Stating some of the cause of cancer, the Chairman, Local Organising Committee for the conference, Dr. Deji Ajayi, cautioned against taking burnt boli (plantain), burnt suya and refined drinks as they could cause cancer.


The good news is that it’s beneficial! Recently, studies have shown that regular consumption of Fluid can actually have some wonderful health benefits. Fluid is made up of many different vitamins, minerals, glycoproteins, human specific components, selenium, spermidine (enzyme), fructose, zinc, B vitamins B12 and C and 13 prostaglandins and high concentrations of hormones that retain potency if taken orally.
The quality of the seminal hormones is thought to be superior to even prescription versions. In the study, women who regularly consumed their lovers’ sperm showed such benefits as a reduction in ovarian cancers, lowered depression and many even had acne symptoms lessen or stop entirely. It is thought that the 0ral consumption of the potent hormones had a balancing effect on woman’s hormonal ups and downs caused by their periods and pregnancy or breastfeeding.
And swallowing healthy Fluid three times a week has other great benefits too; longer life span, slower ageing, clear skin, burns excess fat, prevents diabetes, elevates mood, natural high, prevents depression and prevents the donor getting prostate cancer.

Caution: Unknown Dangers of Drinking Cold Water

We all as individuals love cold stuffs especially after a sunny hectic day, we need some cold drinks or water to refresh and cool our body. This includes even me that’s writing this to you all lol; But we need to know this and how to minimize the rate at which we take in cold drinks regularly.
According to Natural Law, our normal body temperature is about 98.6 degrees F. If we raise that temperature a few degrees, the body starts to show signs of distress, and we say we have a fever. We try hard to return to homeostasis or normal functioning.
Experts have said drinking cold water regularly could have negative impact on the heart and the digestive system. Food and healthy living expert say that cold water is at a temperature that contradicts the overall temperature within the body system.
Even though cold drinks or water has many health benefits, drinking ice water or cold water can only give temporary relief and drinking ice water regularly has its downside.
1. Slows down digestion: Drinking ice water or cold water hampers the process of digesting food as it causes your blood vessels to shrink. This can slow down the process of digestion and as the food is not digested properly, the nutrients are lost or not absorbed by the body.
2. May lead to sore throat: Drinking cold water can cause the buildup of respiratory mucosa, which is a protective layer of the respiratory tract. When this layer gets congested, the respiratory tract is exposed and becomes vulnerable to various infections and hence the chances of your throat turning sore are high.
3. Shortage of nutrients: The body’s temperature is 37o C and when you drink something at a very low temperature, your body has to spend energy to regulate its temperature. This spent energy is otherwise used to digest food and absorb nutrients, thereby leaving your body short of nutrition.
4. Decreases your heart rate: Drinking ice water or cold water decreases your heart rate. Studies have shown that drinking ice water stimulates the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve and is an important part of the body’s autonomous nervous system that controls involuntary actions of the body. The vagus nerve mediates the lowering of the heart rate and the low temperatures of ice cold water act as a stimulus to the nerve which causes the heart rate to drop.
In conclusion, take water at a normal temperature, the brain is sensitive to temperature change which is why it freezes when one drinks cold water at first, adding that such continuous seizure is not good for it, more so that is why we advise people not to take drugs with cold water.
The drugs will not digest on time; it means you won’t get the best of the drugs because the water did not dissolve on time.
Credit: Healinic