Where are the singles at? Get in here guys and let’s crack some nuts.
If you have ever wondered why you are still single and long to be in a relationship, this is for you!
Sometimes, you may feel like every other person is taken but you, and you are beginning to think there may be something wrong somewhere.
Actually, maybe there is but kind of far from what you think it is. But here is the good news, it’s not because you’re not good enough, there are so many people who do not have half your good heart and ambition but are taken and you should know very well by now that neither is it because you are not good looking enough, look back at those of your school mates who are taken and you’ll know for sure.
Alright, what exactly is the problem then?
Lifehack gave some researched insight into the reason most are still single and here are the top 7 reasons why you are still single:
1. You are too busy
We get swamped in activities, both important and not so.
It’s great to be ambitious and focus on your goals but erhmm, if you are ready for a serious relationship, you need to cut yourself some slack.
Relationship is a big investment in time, energy and emotional attachment. If you are not ready to make these compromises, it’s better you focus until you are ready.
2. You are too independent
This has nothing to do with financial independence but largely on emotional and physical independence.
If you hate to be bothered and not ready to make compromises by giving up some of your time, likes, preference, decision making, space and what have you, it is better you remain single.
3. You are still figuring yourself out
If you just embarked on the journey to discovering yourself, that is, you are still trying to understand yourself, you have made an excellent choice being single, because you see, you cannot give what you don’t have.
So take your time and get to know who you are before taking in more than you can chew.
4. You are still holding on to past relationships
No one likes anyone with relationship baggage. Holding on to past hurts and guilt will keep destroying other relationships.
5. You really don’t know what you want
Sometimes, we actually think we have the perfect picture of the kind of partner we want, when in reality we don’t.
Even if you met someone who looks like the picture of what you want, if the person is not the kind of partner you need, the relationship will be like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.
As you mature, you’ll realize or must have realized already, that relationship won’t work out between two people who are not just good for each other.
6. You are not comfortable in your own skin
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